Jubilee 2025 Module Overview

Year level: 7-8
The Jubilee learning resources have been developed to reflect the themes of hope from Pope Francis’ Bull of Indiction of the Ordinary Jubilee of the Year 2025, titled Spes Non Confundit (‘Hope Does Not Disappoint’).

The five themes are:

1. Word of hope
A proclamation of the Gospel itself; a message rooted in God’s love

2. Journey of hope
Reflects the entire Christian experience – a dynamic process of growth, reflection and encounter with God’s grace, ultimately leading towards the fulfilment of salvation in Christ.

3. Signs of hope
Draws on the Christian call to recognise and respond to the various events, actions and attitudes that, when viewed through the lens of faith, reveal the goodness and mercy of God at work in the world.

4. Appeals for hope
Urges concrete actions that can help address global challenges, alleviate suffering and promote peace.

5. Anchored in hope
Hope offers security and direction, allowing believers to navigate life’s challenges with confidence and joyful expectation of the fulfilment of the Lord’s promise.

The ‘learning journey’ modules in each resource explore an introduction to Jubilee, as well as the five themes of hope described by Pope Francis in the Bull. These modules are not meant to be delivered as a single cohesive unit, but as a series of reflective moments that can be integrated with ongoing school activities, curriculum and liturgical events.

The goal is to maintain the momentum of engaging with hope throughout the year, deepening students’ understanding of Jubilee as ‘pilgrims of hope’.

The resources are presented with all themes compiled for each level of students. This structure offers flexibility for whole-school alignment and focus, while still providing the opportunity for exploration of Christian hope as presented in Spes Non Confundit.

We encourage you to plan for engagement with these resources by considering where it makes sense for your school to pay attention to Jubilee throughout the year.

We hope that these resources will enrich students’ learning, inspiring them to grow as pilgrims of hope.

Module overview

Content Focus:

  • Jubilee Year is significant in the Catholic tradition
  • Specific symbols and traditions are associated with the Jubilee Year
  • 2025 Jubilee Year Theme is “Pilgrims of Hope.”
  • The biblical and historical background of Jubilee
  • We are all called to participate in the Jubilee Year

Content Descriptors:

Church and Community (Y7)

  • K&U1 Explain the historical context and experiences of the early Christian communities
  • K&U2 Explain the tradition of the school and its connection to the local and global Church community
  • R&R Interpret the actions of key people within the past and present church who responded to a call to witness
  • P&CE reflect on their contributions to the school community and plan ways to contribute to the global Church

Content Focus:

  • Christian hope and its significance in the Catholic tradition
  • Biblical portrayals, definitions and meanings of hope
  • The role of hope in the lives of individuals, communities, and the world
  • The theme of hope in connection to a school’s mission and charism

Content Descriptors:

Church and Community (Y7)

  • K&U1 Explain the historical context and experiences of the early Christian communities
  • K&U2 Explain the tradition of the school and its connection to the local and global Church community
  • R&R Interpret the actions of key people within the past and present church who responded to a call to witness
  • P&CE reflect on their contributions to the school community and plan ways to contribute to the global Church

Church and Community (Y8)

  • K&U1 explain the role of mission in the past and present Church
  • K&U2 explain the expansion of the global Church using an historical lens
  • R&R interpret the influence of the Church in the world
  • P&CE reflect on the role of mission as a call for action

Content Focus:

  • Historical context and experiences of early Christian pilgrimages.
  • The significance of pilgrimage sites in both local and global Church communities.
  • The role of pilgrimage as a call for action in the journey of faith.

Content Descriptors:

Church and Community (Y7)

  • K&U – Explain the historical context and experiences of early Christian pilgrimages.
  • K&U – Describe the significance of pilgrimage sites in both local and global Church communities.
  • R&R – Interpret the actions of key people within the Church who responded to a call to witness through pilgrimage and mission.
  • P&CE – Reflect on their own contribution to the school community and plan ways to contribute to the global Church through pilgrimage and mission.

Church and Community (Y8)

  • K&U- Understand the role of mission in the past and present Church.
  • R&R – Explore the influence of pilgrimage in the expansion of the global Church.
  • P&CE – Reflect on the role of pilgrimage as a call for action in the journey of faith.

Content Focus:

  • Sources of hope in today’s world.
  • The impact of Jesus’ resurrection on the Christian person.
  • Implications for people of faith and hope in today’s world.
  • The impact of hope on the poor, oppressed and marginalised.
  • Cultural and/or faith influences that inform decisions

Content Descriptors:

God Religion and Life (Y8)

  • K&U – explain how different faith traditions express the presence of God and describe right relationships
  • R&R – interpret ways right relationships are expressed within Catholic Social Teaching and the social teachings of other faith traditions
  • P&CE – reflect on how a faith tradition informs people’s views and how they live in the world

Morality and Justice (Y7)

  • K&U explain key steps in the Catholic moral decision-making process
  • R&R interpret the discernment processes used by key people within the past and present Church
  • P&CE reflect on personal beliefs and attitudes, identifying the cultural and/or faith influences that inform decisions

Morality and Justice (Y8)

  • explain the significance of the teaching of Jesus and how they inform Catholic Social Teaching
  • interpret the validity of a variety of sources as a guide for moral decision making in light of Catholic Social Teaching
  • P&CE reflect on what guides people in decision-making

Content Focus:

  • The concept of Tikkun Olam and its relation to hope
  • How right relationships are expressed within Catholic Social Teaching and other faith traditions
  • How faith traditions, including Catholicism, guide people in responding to global challenges and bringing about positive change
  • The call to repair the world as expressed in Catholic Social Teaching, specifically in relation to environmental and social justice

Content Descriptors:

Scripture and Jesus (Y8)

  • K&U1 Explain the connections between the Jewish culture and tradition and the life of Jesus
  • K&U explain the impact of history and culture on the writings of the Gospels
  • R&R interpret New Testament writings, comparing the contexts of the then and now
  • P&CE reflect on the impact of Jesus’ message for his followers both then and now

God Religion and Life (Y8)

  • K&U – explain how different faith traditions express the presence of God and describe right relationships
  • R&R – interpret ways right relationships are expressed within Catholic Social Teaching and the social teachings of other faith traditions
  • P&CE – reflect on how a faith tradition informs people’s views and how they live in the world

Content Focus:

  • The virtues of faith, hope and charity in the context of Christian discipleship
  • How the virtues of faith, hope and charity come together and are expressed in the lives of the Saints and exemplary figures
  • St Vincent de Paul as an example of Catholic Social Teaching (CST) in action
  • Forgiveness and its connection to hope in the world today
  • Forgiveness and truth-telling as key aspects of living as disciples of Christ
  • Personal beliefs and actions in relationship to forgiveness and reconciliation in the context of Christian hope.

Content Descriptors:

God Religion and Life (Y8)

  • K&U explain how different faith traditions express the presence of God and describe right relationships
  • R&R interpret ways right relationship are expressed within Catholic Social Teaching and the social teachings of other faith traditions
  • P&CE reflect on how a faith tradition informs people’s views and how they live in the world

Morality and Justice (Y8)

  • explain the significance of the teaching of Jesus and how they inform Catholic Social Teaching
  • interpret the validity of a variety of sources as a guide for moral decision making in light of Catholic Social Teaching
  • P&CE reflect on what guides people in decision-making

Achievement Standards

By the end of Level 8…

Knowledge and Understanding: seeking truth

Students explain the Catholic Tradition and its elements by investigating and analysing a range of perspectives. They use well-developed, evidence-based arguments to support their reasoning.

Reasoning and Responding: making meaning

Students interpret their life in dialogue with the Catholic Tradition and the cultural context by critically analysing the significance and the complexity of a variety of perspectives on issues

Personal and Communal Engagement: living story

Students reflect on experiences that provoke spiritual and religious insights by examining what has shaped their views on life, the sacred and religious

They integrate new insights by highlighting the complexities of significant local and global issues and proposing a personal stance

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