Scripture resources

The MACS Jubilee Team has compiled suggestions of scripture to assist teachers in engaging students throughout Jubilee Year 2025. The resources are designated by year level and by each of the five themes of Jubilee year, along with scripture cited in Spes non Confundit, Bull Of Indiction.

Global scripture list by year level

Introduction to Jubilee: Opening Doors

  • Jn 10:7-9 Jesus, the “door” of our salvation

Word of Hope: Caring for all of Creation

Journey of Hope: Journeying Together

Signs of Hope: We Can Be Peacemakers

Appeals for Hope: Sharing God’s Gifts

Anchored in Hope: Mary, Our Mother of Hope

Introduction to Jubilee:  Making Things Right

Word of Hope: Belonging to God’s Family

Journey of Hope: Sharing God’s Love

Signs of Hope: Jesus, Light of the World

Appeals for Hope: Stewards of God’s Creation

Anchored in Hope: The Gift of Prayer

Introduction to Jubilee: Receiving God’s Mercy

Word of Hope: Jesus, Word of God Made Flesh

Journey of Hope: Mission of Love and Mercy

Signs of Hope: Saying ‘Yes’ To God 

Appeals for Hope: Called to Be Disciples

Anchored in Hope: Jesus our Anchor

Introduction to Jubilee: Pilgrims of Hope

Word of Hope: Our Shared Mission

Journey of Hope: Pilgrimages of the World

Signs of Hope: Recognising Goodness

Appeals for Hope: Belief and Unity

Anchored in Hope: The Rosary in Christian Hope

The Mysteries of the Rosary (read more)

The Joyful Mysteries

  1. The Annunciation (Lk 1:26-27)
  2. The Visitation (Lk 1:39-42)
  3. The Birth of Jesus (Lk 2:1-7)
  4. The Presentation in the Temple (Lk 2:21-24)
  5. The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple (Lk 2:41-47)

The Sorrowful Mysteries

  1. The Agony in the Garden (Mt 26:36-39)
  2. The Scourging (Jn 19:1-3)
  3. The Crowning with Thorns (Mt 27:27-29)
  4. The Carrying of the Cross (Mk 15:21 – 22)
  5. The Crucifixion (Lk 23:33-46)

The Glorious Mysteries

  1. The Resurrection (Lk 24:1-5)
  2. The Ascension (Mk 16:19)
  3. The Descent of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1-4)
  4. The Assumption of Mary into Heaven (Lk 1:48-49)
  5. The Crowning of Mary Queen of Heaven (Rev 12:1 )

The Mysteries of Light (Luminous)

  1. The Baptism in the Jordan (Mt 3:16-17)
  2. The wedding feast at Cana (Jn 2:1-5)
  3. The proclamation of the Kingdom of God (Mk 1:15)
  4. The Transfiguration (Mt 17:1-2)
  5. The Last Supper (Mt 26:26)

Signs of Hope: Recognising Faith

Appeals for Hope: Building a Just and Hopeful Future

Anchored in Hope: Faith, Hope and Charity in Action

  • Luke 6:27-36 ‘Love Your Enemies

Introduction to Jubilee: What is Jubilee?

Word of Hope: Faith, Hope and Love

Journey of Hope: The Grace of Mercy

Signs of Hope: Justice, Peace and Healing

Appeals for Hope: Addressing Global Injustice

Anchored in Hope: Mary, Witness of Hope

Global scripture list by theme

Introduction to Jubilee: Opening Doors

  • Jn 10:7-9 Jesus, the “door” of our salvation

Introduction to Jubilee:  Making Things Right

Introduction to Jubilee: Receiving God’s Mercy

Introduction to Jubilee: Pilgrims of Hope

Introduction to Jubilee: What is Jubilee?

Word of Hope: Belonging to God’s Family

Word of Hope: Caring for all of Creation

Word of Hope: Jesus, Word of God Made Flesh

Word of Hope: Our Shared Mission

Word of Hope: Faith, Hope and Love

Journey of Hope: Journeying Together

Journey of Hope: Sharing God’s Love

Journey of Hope: Mission of Love and Mercy

Journey of Hope: Pilgrimages of the World

Journey of Hope: The Grace of Mercy

Signs of Hope: We Can Be Peacemakers

Signs of Hope: Jesus, Light of the World

Signs of Hope: Saying ‘Yes’ To God 

Signs of Hope: Recognising Goodness

Signs of Hope: Recognising Faith

Signs of Hope: Justice, Peace and Healing

Appeals for Hope: Sharing God’s Gifts

Appeals for Hope: Stewards of God’s Creation

Appeals for Hope: Called to Be Disciples

Appeals for Hope: Belief and Unity

Anchored in Hope: The Rosary in Christian Hope

The Mysteries of the Rosary (click here)

The Joyful Mysteries

  1. The Annunciation (Lk 1:26-27)
  2. The Visitation (Lk 1:39-42)
  3. The Birth of Jesus (Lk 2:1-7)
  4. The Presentation in the Temple (Lk 2:21-24)
  5. The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple (Lk 2:41-47)

The Sorrowful Mysteries

  1. The Agony in the Garden (Mt 26:36-39)
  2. The Scourging (Jn 19:1-3)
  3. The Crowning with Thorns (Mt 27:27-29)
  4. The Carrying of the Cross (Mk 15:21 – 22)
  5. The Crucifixion (Lk 23:33-46)

The Glorious Mysteries

  1. The Resurrection (Lk 24:1-5)
  2. The Ascension (Mk 16:19)
  3. The Descent of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1-4)
  4. The Assumption of Mary into Heaven (Lk 1:48-49)
  5. The Crowning of Mary Queen of Heaven (Rev 12:1 )

The Mysteries of Light (Luminous)

  1. The Baptism in the Jordan (Mt 3:16-17)
  2. The wedding feast at Cana (Jn 2:1-5)
  3. The proclamation of the Kingdom of God (Mk 1:15)
  4. The Transfiguration (Mt 17:1-2)
  5. The Last Supper (Mt 26:26)

Appeals for Hope: Building a Just and Hopeful Future

Appeals for Hope: Addressing Global Injustice

Anchored in Hope: The Gift of Prayer

Anchored in Hope: Jesus our Anchor

Anchored in Hope: Mary, Our Mother of Hope

Anchored in Hope: Faith, Hope and Charity in Action

  • Luke 6:27-36 ‘Love Your Enemies

Anchored in Hope: Mary, Witness of Hope

Papal Bull scripture references

Scripture References cited in Spes non Confundit, Bull Of Indiction Of The Ordinary Jubilee Of The Year 2025, Francis, Bishop Of Rome, Servant Of The Servants Of God

The below document offers a selection of Scripture passages referenced in Spes non Confundit. You may choose to use these to guide and enrich your community prayer life —whether through personal reflection, Lectio Divina, or as part of prayer services during the Jubilee Year.

© Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools Ltd