The five themes are:
1. Word of hope
A proclamation of the Gospel itself; a message rooted in God’s love
2. Journey of hope
Reflects the entire Christian experience – a dynamic process of growth, reflection and encounter with God’s grace, ultimately leading towards the fulfilment of salvation in Christ.
3. Signs of hope
Draws on the Christian call to recognise and respond to the various events, actions and attitudes that, when viewed through the lens of faith, reveal the goodness and mercy of God at work in the world.
4. Appeals for hope
Urges concrete actions that can help address global challenges, alleviate suffering and promote peace.
5. Anchored in hope
Hope offers security and direction, allowing believers to navigate life’s challenges with confidence and joyful expectation of the fulfilment of the Lord’s promise.
The ‘learning journey’ modules in each resource explore an introduction to Jubilee, as well as the five themes of hope described by Pope Francis in the Bull. These modules are not meant to be delivered as a single cohesive unit, but as a series of reflective moments that can be integrated with ongoing school activities, curriculum and liturgical events.
The goal is to maintain the momentum of engaging with hope throughout the year, deepening students’ understanding of Jubilee as ‘pilgrims of hope’.
The resources are presented with all themes compiled for each level of students. This structure offers flexibility for whole-school alignment and focus, while still providing the opportunity for exploration of Christian hope as presented in Spes Non Confundit.
We encourage you to plan for engagement with these resources by considering where it makes sense for your school to pay attention to Jubilee throughout the year.
We hope that these resources will enrich students’ learning, inspiring them to grow as pilgrims of hope.